![Humane Society Logo[8106]2.bmp](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/799617_1a2d7c7b11974f37a0301c338226ec77~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_438,h_103,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/Humane%20Society%20Logo%5B8106%5D2_bmp.png)

Step 1: Apply
Fill out the below application with complete and accurate information.
Step 2: Approval
Your application is sent to adoption coordinators who will review your application and contact you within 3-5 business days. Based on the information provided, a home visit may be required.
Step 3: Meet & Greet
Step 4: Trial
During the initial two week, we encourage you to bring your desired pet into your home to see how they fit in with your family. This is especially helpful if you have other pets and children in your home or just need more time to make a decision.
Step 5: Adopt
If all parties agree it is a good fit, the adoption fee is paid and adoption agreement is finalized.
Before applying, please read the following requirements.
You must be at least 21 years of age to adopt or foster a pet.
All pets in the home must be current on vaccinations or spayed/neutered.
All dogs must be on heartworm preventative.
All cats must be FIV/FELV tested negative (if positive, we may have positive cats available for adoption or foster).
We have a strict "No Declaw" and "Indoor Only" policy for cats/kittens adopted from us.
If the pet you chose is still available when we receive your application and your application is a good match, we will contact your veterinarian for vetting history.
We may ask you to consider another pet instead, either because we have several good homes for the same pet or because we believe another pet is better suited for your family.
We may decide to take more applications before placing the pet for adoption. Some pets have special needs, and it is in their best interest to wait for perfect placement.
It is important to provide all dogs/cats with a loving and nurturing home environment to prioritizing the health, safety, and well-being of the animals.
We may decline your application, either due to your pet care history or your current circumstances for care and keeping of a pet. While saying “no” is hard, sometimes it is in everyone’s best interest. Please respect our decisions. You may wish to reapply if your circumstances change. You may change your mind or decide that none of our current pets are right for you. Withdrawing your application does not affect your ability to adopt from us later.
If it becomes evident, once you have finalized the adoption, that your pet cannot adjust and you have exhausted all reasonable options, If feasible, CCHS will accept the return of the animal. However, please understand that the adoption fee (see below), in most instances, is nonrefundable.
Consider the following when choosing to adopt
Before you Adopt
Your new cat or dog becomes a member of your family for life. You want your pet to have routine medical care, wholesome food, and occasional treats. You also want to make provisions for their care whenever you are away and, in the event, you are no longer able to care for them. Before you apply to adopt a pet, please consider the associated time and cost commitments.
Is the breed or size of the animal you are adopting allowed where you live? If you need to move, can you take your animal with you? A majority of animals surrendered to us are due to housing issues. Please consider if this lifetime commitment works for you.
If there are other animals in the home, is there the proper amount of space needed to integrate those animals? Most animals and species cannot immediately coexist and need a patient family willing to manage their relationship, and invest the time.
We are looking for furever homes, whether the animals’ lifetime is 1 year or 20 years. Please be prepared to care for the animal as long as it lives.
Ongoing Costs of Pet Ownership
You should include basic equipment, such as a collar, leash, litter box, etc. while considering adoption. The initial costs of adoption and pet ownership are minimal when compared with ongoing care costs.
For starters, if you feed your pet good–quality food, expect to spend the following each month: cats and small dogs – $10-$15; medium dogs – $25; large dogs – $40+.
If you adopt a cat, allow at least $15 per month for litter and hairball medication.
It is highly recommended to use flea prevention treatments year-round, whether your pet is exclusively indoors or is out and in. The least expensive of these are also the least effective. The best medications (for example, Advantage Multi) also prevent heartworms, ear mites, and other problems. Yearly costs for Advantage Multi range from $175 to $225, depending on pet size.
Adoption Fee - Effective May 2024
Dog: $215
Puppy: $250
Senior Dog: $100
Cat or Kitten: $145
Senior Cat: $90
Declawed cats are an additional $50
Hero Pets: $400
The fee covers a vet exam, spay/neuter, microchip, up-to-date vaccinations, testing/treatment for heartworms, and any needed medical care prior to adoption.
"HERO PETS” are those considered to be in high demand. CCHS uses the additional funds generated from our Hero Pets to support and aid in the care of animals who reside longer, whose medical needs are greater, and for those who may face emergencies. These rare pets help reduce these costs and save the lives of others. They have the prestigious honor of being known as our CCHS "Heroes".