![Humane Society Logo[8106]2.bmp](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/799617_1a2d7c7b11974f37a0301c338226ec77~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_438,h_103,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/Humane%20Society%20Logo%5B8106%5D2_bmp.png)
When you welcome your newest furry family member into your home, we recommend that they be microchipped as soon as possible. If they are already microchipped, ensure that they are registered in your name with updated information.
If you lose your pet, check your local animal shelters and provide them a printed photo. Posting photos and information about your lost pet on local animal welfare social media sites is also another option.
Below are a few online resources available:
Missing Pet Network: www.missingpet.net
Pet Amber Alert: www.petamberalert.com
Lost my Kitty: www.lostmykitty.com
Lost my Doggie: www.lostmydoggy.com
America's National Lost and Found Pet Database: www.lostfoundpets.us
Help Me Find My Pet: www.helpmefindmypet.com
Pet Recovery Services: petid.homeagain.com/become-a-petrescuer.aspx
Fido Finder: www.fidofinder.com
Pets 911: www.pets911.org
Lost and Found: www.lostandfound.com
Missing Pet Partnership: www.missingpetpartnership.org
Wagging Tails: www.wagging-tails.com
Pet Search: www.petsearch.com
Find Toto: www.findtoto.com
Pet Microchip Lookup: www.petmicrochiplookup.org
Lost and Found Pets America: www.lostandfoundpetsamerica.com
Animal Legal and Historical Center: www.animallaw.info