![Humane Society Logo[8106]2.bmp](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/799617_1a2d7c7b11974f37a0301c338226ec77~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_438,h_103,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/Humane%20Society%20Logo%5B8106%5D2_bmp.png)

You CAN make a difference-
Sign up as a volunteer today!
Volunteering is the lifeblood that keeps Colonial Capital Humane Society alive. All walks of life and talents are welcome. From carpentry to gardening to cleaning, to simply walking dogs or feeding cats, you can make a difference in the lives of these homeless animals.
Contact us below if you'd like to sign up or learn more.
Dog Walking
PetSmart Display Kennels
Help is needed twice a day at PetSmart with cleaning the display kennels where are our wonderful felines can be found, trying to impress the crowds. Each cleaning occurs in the morning and evening and consists of cleaning the litterboxes, freshening food and water, cleaning the display kennel, providing love and interaction to our sweet kitties, and reporting an illnesses or oddities to the PetSmart volunteer coordinator.
Admin Front Desk
Cat Shelter
Get up close and personal with our cats. Unless they are ill, new to the environment, or have difficulty adjusting, our cats have free rein over their shelter as well as a screened-in outdoor enclosure. They are cared for twice daily by volunteers and technicians. Duties include cleaning litter boxes, providing fresh water, keeping food bowls full, changing bedding and other linens as needed, checking for possible illnesses, sweeping and cleaning as necessary, and, of course, playing with our kitties. Most of our cats also enjoy being groomed if you have the time or desire during your shift. Expect to spend about 2-4 hours at the shelter volunteering (from around 8-12).
Adoption Events
Once or twice each month from Spring through Fall, CCHS holds an adopt-a-thon on a Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at PetSmart in New Bern. You would stay with us and help to handle any issues that arise--a dog that needs walking, an emergency clean-up, direct people who have questions to another volunteer (or, after you learn more, answer them yourself), and possibly transporting animals to and from the adopt-a-thon.
Foster Parent
Our very young kittens, cats with adjustment difficulties, and our puppies and many dogs are in foster care. If interested in fostering, please submit the foster application located on this website.
Flea Market
We have a flea market at 2302 Trent Road (big yellow warehouse). Volunteers are needed year-round to accept, sort, and price donations in preparation for sale days. They are also in great need of strong hands, men or women, who can help move furniture and pick up larger items that are donated. Sale days are every Tuesday night from 5-7pm and Friday from 10am - 3:30pm, with volunteers meeting during other times of the week to price items.
Let us know of an event you and/or an organization with which you are associated are willing to organize that will bring much-needed money and/or supplies to Colonial Capital Humane Society. Examples include: Halloween events, Easter egg hunts, music events, school projects, car wash...possibilities are almost endless! Also, if you are a grant writer and willing to help us move toward our long-term goals of better facilities for our animals, we sure would like to know.